All the articles I've posted.
在 neovim 中使用 styled-components
Published: at 13:24 UTC+08:00最近又开始使用 styled-components,记录下如何在 neovim 中使用
Published: at 19:58 UTC+08:00上一篇文章学习了如何在 figma 中实现组件化,这一篇来看看如何实现小米新 logo 类似的平滑圆角
在 figma 中创建组件
Published: at 20:43 UTC+08:00查阅 Figma 文档,学习如何在 Figma 中创建组件
在 Expo 项目中使用 nativewind
Published: at 23:58 UTC+08:00记录下在 Expo 项目中使用 nativewind 遇到的问题
Redux 笔记
Published: at 20:45 UTC+08:00了解 Redux 的基本概念,记录 Redux 的学习笔记
Typescript decorators 装饰器
Published: at 21:12 UTC+08:00不再羡慕 Python 的装饰器,Typescript 有自己的装饰器
Custom React Native Template
Published: at 23:37 UTC+08:00The template of React Native which include typescript is good enough, but it's complicated to config prettier, eslint, etc every time. So I need to make a template which contains the basic configuration used during my daily development.
Swift Extensions
Published: at 21:26 UTC+08:00Swift 的 Extension 极大的便利了开发体验,本文罗列了一些我觉得有用的扩展方法